Greetings from the family of the Christian Rural Aid Network (CRAN) Ghana to all of you. It is our prayer that the good Lord who has brought us into this year 2012 should keep and replenish you in all endeavours.
Here in Ghana, the Managements of CRAN and CRAN Microfinance are doing all that is necessary and possible to keep hope of the organisations alive to their goals and objectives. Several strategies are formulated to get the organisations moving. In the quarter under review, the organisations have experienced the goodness of the Lord in maximising their gains to be where they are currently.
The Christian Rural Aid Network, which is the social development wing of CRAN, has won a Local Governance and Decentralisation Program (LOGODEP) project sponsored by the USAID and awarded by Management Systems International under the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) concept of the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health. The implementation of this program spans from February to July.
CRAN Microfinance, although has made significant progress in the quarter, has seen the resignation of its Internal Auditor, Ben Eyifah, who has since been replaced by Edward Ampah Brient, the former Risk and Monitoring Manager. His position as Risk and Monitoring Manager has been given to Mr. Simon Atiatorme. We believe that your prayers and support are keeping us focused on our vision of providing services to rural dwellers so as to improve their social status.
At CRAN, we trust that you would keep faith with us to enable us deliver. It is our utmost desire to have our donors and partners improve upon their support for our programmes where the need arises, especially in providing for Child Education Support Scheme (CESS) to the less privileged in the rural communities of our operation.
Until the next quarter, we wish to say God bless your works and other engagements richly. Amen.